SSWS Membership Recruitment Drive

Posted: Mar 3, 2007 by NUS SSWS in Labels:


 As long as you are majoring in social work or doing a shared major in social work,


We are the society of social work students and the main goals of the society are to

  1. support the academic and professional development of social work students

  2. form a network of support for the social work students.

  3. create awareness of social work as a profession. Which basically means, whatever we do, it is for the welfare of social work students!  

By registering with us,You would be entitled to incentives such as:

  •  being a student member of SASW and enjoying any future activities held in collaboration with SASW to support professional grow.

  • Get at least a 10% discount on course packs and upcoming activities E.g. language workshops,           Exam packs.

  • Support the various activities the society has in line for you:

a) Academic welfare:~ Advocating for placement pay~ Language / dialect workshops~ First-time updates on field settings/practice, academic opportunities, information on career advancements etc. from our Feedback & Research Unit)

b) Social welfare:~ Graduation night~ Outings ~ A membership card of your own! ~ Networking and continual liaison as an alumni. And other experiences such as ~Development of organizational skills                ~CCA participation points ~Working with peers and making new friends By participating in the organization of SSWS activities! (Optional / voluntary) And the list goes on! 

This membership will cost $5 (cover membership card costs). It is valid till around September after SSWS’s annual general meeting and changing of EXCO office term. We really seek to have your help to make the society work. We thank you for signing up with us!