SSWS Welfare Packs

Posted: Oct 29, 2010 by NUS SSWS in Labels: ,

Hi SSWS members!
You have just received your Social Work welfare pack. This is a little token from our society.

We hope this is little encouragement will give you a little motivation for your exams!

We would like to thank the following Sponsors to make this welfare pack a success!
  • Dr Esther Goh, SSWS Advisor
  • MCYS
  • Amdis Chay

      Behind the scenes..
      Benjamin checking his sprayed welfare pack..
      Adjust the stencil before spraying..
      A little help from a friend, Nicholas..

      The sprayed-on design worked for a few packs, but too tedious for 60 packs! Luckily, home printer works wonders. The remainings were then printed instead of spraying.. hope u guys like the packs!