26 more days to POWER UP! the hero in you! (:
Posted: Jun 23, 2011 by NUS SSWS in
Join us for 3 powerfully fun-filled days as we embark on a journey of self-discovery & exploration of what POWER UP! really is about and how it applies in social work. If you have any burning questions about social work or university life, you can also seize this opportunity to talk to the seniors and the social workers who are already in the field! (:
Sharing by social workers from different field!
Beach telematch
Amazing Race around Campus
Candlelight BBQ Dinner
Registration is closing soon!! So sign up NOW!! (:
We are aware that some of you might need to matriculate on the 21st or 22nd. We have made arrangements with the school to allow all our campers to matriculate on the 22nd's afternoon, after we break camp. So do not worry about that! (: