Redemption of "PASS IT ON" Prizes!

Posted: Apr 19, 2008 by NUS SSWS in Labels:

Thank you for participating in "PASS IT ON"!

YOU are entitled to redeem prizes from SSWS as your "Pass it On" card was returned!

We acknowledged that many of you did not manage to pick up your prizes on the 15th April 2008, hence we are extending the redemption period.

To redeem your prizes, please send an email to Selina at or Saleha at by 26th April, Saturday to arrange a day/time for you to pick up your prizes!

P.S. Just in case you haven't heard, the prizes are exclusive Social Work Department collaterals! You can't find it anywhere else!!! :)

With Love,
Saleha & Selina.
Project Directors.
Social Workers' Week in NUS
Society of Social Work Students