Study Room for Reading Week

Posted: Apr 9, 2008 by NUS SSWS in Labels:

Dear members!

Exciting news for everyone.

The time has come to face examinations yet again, and as part of our exam welfare package this semester, SSWS has booked the department observation room for study purposes!

The room will be open during the following hours:

21st - 24th April 9.00am - 5.15pm

25th April 9.00am - 4.45pm

Spaces are limited and are on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Observation room is at AS4 B1-09.

The room would be used for studying purposes, as such group discussion is strongly discouraged. You or your group will be asked to vacate if deemed to be causing too much disruption. Thank you for understanding.

If you have any queries, you can email us at

All the best for your exams and have a splendid mugging time.

See you there!