SSWS AGM & Welcome Tea 2008

Posted: Aug 26, 2008 by NUS SSWS in Labels: ,

Dear Members of SSWS and SW students,

The time has come for us to hold our Annual General Meeting once again! As a privileged member of the Society, you are cordially invited to participate in our AGM and Welcome Tea 2008!

The objective of this year's AGM and Welcome Tea would be to
  • Welcome new members of SSWS
  • Update existing SSWS members of activities and events organized by the 21st Exco in the past year, as well as to
  • Nominate and elect the 22nd Exco Members for the new academic year.

SSWS AGM & Welcome Tea 2008
2 September (Tuesday)
6.30pm-9.00pm, LT14

Please kindly be seated by 6.30pm.
A complimentary buffet dinner will also be provided for SSWS members and SW students.  

We hope to see you there!

Yours Sincerely,
Zhon Yun
21st Executive Committee of
The Society of Social Work Students (SSWS)