SSWS Captain Ball Showdown!! *BASH*
Posted: Oct 22, 2008 by NUS SSWS in Labels: events and activitiesHey all SOCIAL WORK MAJORS and even YEAR 1s out there who are thinking of becoming a social work majors!
Feeling the heat yet? Mid-sem break is over, and before you know it, so will be the exams! So, hang in there, and fight a good fight! But before going into the battlefield, how about a little perk-me-up?
It's CAPTAIN'S BALL time!!
Date: Friday 14 November 2008
Time: 2pm - anytime
Venue: Tennis Court beside the handball courts in SRC
Attire: Sweaty
Use this as a chance to know more people in Social Work, including your seniors, and even social workers in the field!
If you are wondering why we are holding it on a SATURDAY, it's so that alumni members can send their teams too!
So hurry, send in your teams of 4 now!
C'mon! It's just one day out of your reading week! Relax.....
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