Dear friends,
As the semester is drawing to an end, some of you may be wondering whether you should pursue honours or embark on your career. Some of you may be wondering what is honours year all about? What is the workload like? What is ISM/Thesis? What's in it for me?
Fret not! We, your friends in the Social Work Honours year class, hereby invite you to "Honest Breakfast with the Honours Class": Get lowdowns on what's really coming your way in Honours year, right out of the horses' mouths!. We hope that through this session, we are able to foster greater bond with you, our fellow social work mates, and to answer any of your queries about what Honours life is all about. Yes! We aim to tell you everything you are dying to know about level 4000 Modules, ISMs, Thesis etc etc.
Some of the honours year students are keen to share and would be setting aside their valuable time just for you! So, if you want the lowdowns, don't miss out on this opportunity!' This is an informal, free and easy session. So if you are free, pull down your friends and join us this coming Tuesday 14 April, 10am-11am at Arts canteen (the area reserved for staffs from 12-2pm).
Do reply to or if you are interested to attend. A group of honours year students will be there to provide you with the much information needed.