Posted: Feb 20, 2011 by NUS SSWS in

Dear Social Work majors!! For those who would like to learn more about People with Disabilities!

A group of NUS students are doing a school project for their module (Management and Organisation - 1001) entitled Project Life. Their main target group is the population of Physically Disabled students in their school. They aim to raise awareness among NUS student body of the inconveniences faced by the physically handicapped and help ease these difficulties that they face.
  • What problems do you think that the physically handicapped face when on the NUS campus? 
  • What do you think needs to be done to help them?
They are also setting up a hotline that handicapped students can call whenever they require assistance. It is composed of a list of numbers of fellow NUS students that according to their schedules will be free to render their assistance to the physically handicapped when needed.

Their project is definitely not a one off event as they will definitely approach the school administration on plans for them to take up the project and implement it into the school system. They would really appreciate you for considering this proposal. Please do not hesitate to contact them if you have any further queries or would like to know more about their project or event.

Note: SSWS is not the organiser of this event.
Aim and Objective 
  • To raise awareness among NUS student body of the various difficulties and inconveniences faced by the physically handicapped students.
  • To assess and evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of our proposed handicapped route in the forms of the map and the video tutorial.
Race Details
Date: 12 March 2011, Saturday (tentative)
Time: 10am to 3pm
Venue: NUS - Faculty of Business, Arts, Computing and Engineering
No of Participants: 32 NUS Students

Race Team
  • Teams are made up of groups of 4, and there will be a total of 8 groups 
  • Each group will be given a wheelchair that one of the team member has to travel in, while the rest assist him or her 
  • 1 of the teams which acts as the control for our experiment will receive our proposed map and video as an aid. 
  • 7 other teams (without map or video) will be assessed on their ability to find the fastest possible way to get through the exact same route and the times taken will also be used to compare and assess the success of our map.
Race Route
  • Route contains starting point, 6 checkpoints, ending point. 
  • Upon completion of each checkpoint, a stamp will be given, until the team has collected all 6 stamps. 
  • Each of the 6 checkpoints will be place near key school facilities that the physically disabled will need to access. They include 1 from business, 2 from arts, 1 from computing and 2 from engineering, and will all be placed on different levels of the buildings.
  • 1st Place 
  • 2nd Place
  • 3rd Place
  • Consolation Prizes (5 Teams)