Self-directed Interest Groups
Posted: Feb 19, 2011 by NUS SSWS inThe Society of Social Work Students (SSWS) is presenting a new initiative called SELF-DIRECTED INTEREST GROUPS for all Social Work majors and friends of Social Work.
What is this initiative all about?
This initiative is a platform for like-minded students who are passionate about a particular area of Social Work practice (e.g. Children and Youth, Elderly issues, Medical Social Work etc.) to meet together and carry out activities (e.g. research, advocacy etc) on their areas of interest, and then share their work with other students through various means (e.g. blogging about their findings from the research, inviting others to join in their activities etc.).
Children and Youth Issues!/home.php?sk=group_10176
Forensic Social Work!/home.php?sk=group_14657
Elderly issues!/home.php?sk=group_17814
LGBT issues!/home.php?sk=group_20188
Foreign workers/ Immigrant issues!/home.php?sk=group_18848
Medical Social Work!/home.php?sk=group_18694
Other issues!/home.php?sk=group_16276
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