Calling all NEW Social Work Majors!
You are cordially invited to our SSWS Welcome Tea on the 27th of Jan,2011.
Venue: AS3/02-13
Time: 6pm
Email us ssws.nus@gmail.com if u have any questions!
January 2013 | May 2013 |
February 2013 | July 2013 Freshman Orientation Camp |
March 2013 | August 2013 SW Family Gathering & Annual General Meeting (AGM) IPE Day 1 (31 August) |
April 2013 | September 2013 IPE Day 2 (7 September) Project PLAY (Poverty Living Around You) 26 Sept - 28 Sept |
SW Graduates and Undergraduates! Speak your mind, leave your marks! We love to hear from you!