[External Workshops] Youth, Sexuality and Relationships
Posted: Aug 27, 2007 by NUS SSWS in Labels: newsWHAT IS IT?
A full-day workshop by Oogachaga Counselling and Support in collaboration with the Counselling and Care Centre .
Same-sex attraction for youths, especially those between the ages of 13 to 30, is a concern that has been swept under the rug for some time. For same-sex attracted youths (SSAYs), it can be both a confusing and lonely time. The fear of rejection from family and possible discrimination from friends in school make them stay silent. To seek refuge, they turn to the Internet or try to look for like-minded friends beyond the school environment.
But who can they turn to when they need professional help to deal with their problems? Where can they get help if they fall into depression, start skipping school, or even consider suicide?
On the other hand, are educators and counsellors trained to help SSAYs? This workshop aims to provide such training for educators and counsellors who deal with SSAYs. It will empower them with knowledge about same-sex attraction, and will equip them with useful skills that they can use when handling such clients in the future.
8th September 2007, 8.30am – 5.00pm
@SCWO Centre at Waterloo Street
1. Understanding Same-Sex Attraction by Clarence Singam, a counseling psychologist with Oogachaga, and the President of the Singapore Psychological Society.
2. HIV/STDs/Safer Sex by Daniel Tung, a counsellor who is currently working in the field of HIV prevention-education and outreach, focusing on men who have sex with men and sex-workers.
3. BBR/GGR vs BGR by Anthony Yeo, Consultant Therapist at the Counselling and Care Centre.
4. SSAYs and the Family by Juliana Toh, Clinical Director with the Counselling and Care Centre.
5. SSAYs and the School by James Koh & Dominic Chua, former teachers who have more than 10 years of teaching experience between them.
For more information on the workshop, please download the pdf file at http://www.oogachaga.com/downloads/OogachagaSSAYSWorkshop.pdf
To register, please send an email to contact@oogachaga.com with the following information:
Full Name:
Mailing address:
Contact number:
An acknowledgement receipt by email and confirmation will be sent to your email account. Registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment.
The total cost of this workshop is S$150.00 (no GST required), which includes lunch, tea break and workshop materials. Payment details will be made available via email.
For more details, do visit the Oogachaga website http://www.oogachaga.com , drop an e-mail at contact@oogachaga.com or call 626 86 626 (Mondays to Fridays, from 9 am to 5pm).
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