Academic Year 2006/07
- Social Workers’ Week @ NUS
- Mini Jumble Sale
- Social Workers’ Day @ National Youth Council Park
- Distribution of free Welfare Packs during the exams
- Open House @ NUS
- Graduation Nite @ Orchard Hotel
- Camp SOS 2007
- Matriculation Fair
- Cantonese & Hokkien Dialect Workshops
- Social Work Welcome Tea @ PGP
- SW1101E “Social Work in Context” Coursepack Sale
…and more!
You have seen what the 20th Executive Committee (ExCo) has done for the Social Work student body of NUS, now come and BE PART OF IT!
The Society of Social Work Students (SSWS) is having its AGM on Wednesday, 10th October 2007, and we welcome all of you to part-take in this grand moment when the 21st ExCo will be formed for the Academic Year 2007/08.
Let YOUR voice be heard, make a choice on who you want to be part of the 21st Executive Committee! Better yet, come and run for a seat in the committee and make a difference!
For enquries, do contact us at ssws.nus@gmail.com