SSWS Dialect Workshops!!!

Posted: Feb 6, 2008 by NUS SSWS in Labels: ,

Dialect Workshop Poster

Hokkien and Cantonese Dialect Workshop in February!

Calling All SSWS Members !

The new round of Cantonese and Hokkien Dialect Workshop is HERE !

Slots are limited, so sign up quick!

Workshop Details:

Cantonese: 18 & 20 Feb @ 6:30pm to 9pm
Hokkien: 21 & 22 Feb @ 6:30pm to 9pm
Venue: AS3/0213(Cantonese) & AS3/0212(Hokkien)

Price for EACH Workshop:
Members: $10/- nett
Non-Members: $12/- nett

Day 1

- Greetings
- Self-introduction
- Respectful terms of address
- Pronouns
- Numbers

Day 2

- Family members
- Emotional well-being
- Body parts
- Medical terms

*syllabus subject to changes

{ Sign-Up Procedure }

In 3 simple steps!!

1) Email to the following address:

2) Please state in the ‘Subject’ of the email as follows:
‘Sign-Up Cantonese Workshop’
‘Sign-Up Hokkien Workshop’
‘Sign-Up Both Workshop’

**Applicants with improper email ‘Subject’ title will be void so as to ease admin work. Please understand and adhere. Incomplete sign-ups will not be processed.

3) We need your name, matric. no, contact no., member status, workshop signing up for and contact email. Follow the sample below.

Name: Goh Teng Le
Matric No: U123456X
Contact No: 91234567
SSWS Member: Yes or No
Workshop signup: Cantonese / Hokkien / Both
Email to contact:
Sign-Up Extended to 17 Feb, 1800 hrs 

Hope to see you there!