SSWS Dialect workshops! Lai ah!! ;D
Posted: Mar 3, 2009 by NUS SSWS in Labels: events and activities, news, workshop
Do you ever feel that you have difficulties communicating with your grandparents?
Or for future social workers and social work students who are going for placement this semester, are you worried that you will have problems interacting with your clients because they only know how to speak in dialects which you seldom, or never, have experience in?
Or you just want to understand what the cast in Hong Kong drama series and movies are saying in their smooth Cantonese language?
Have no fears! The Society of Social Work Students is here again with another round of its annual dialect workshops which there will be experienced instructors teaching you Hokkien and Cantonese dialects. These workshops are guaranteed to be interactive and fun!
Hokkien dialect workshop
Dates: 19/03/09 (Thursday) and 20/03/09 (Friday)
Time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Cantonese dialect workshop
Dates: 25/03/09 (Wednesday) and 26/03/09 (Thursday)
Time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm
There will be 2 workshops teaching Hokkien and Cantonese dialects separately. You can choose to attend either one of them, or even both of them. The fees for the Cantonese and the Hokkien workshops are the same; $8 for SSWS members and $10 for non-members.
You can sign up by sending the below details to and state the title as 'Dialect Workshop':
Matric number
Handphone number
Workshop(s) that you are attending
We will then send you an email to confirm the payment mode.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now!!!! Vacancies are limited :P